All orders will be shipped through FedEx within 3 - 5 hours after being verified by our sales executive over the email.
Soon after shipping we will email you and provide you your FedEx tracking id. A copy of FedEx tracking id will be sent to your email address also.
We ship via FedEx SAME DAY and FedEx Over Night Service. Delivery timings are vary from Florida to all USA states and all Canada states.
Any order is subject to be placed on hold by billing issues.
Any order placed on Monday - Friday till 6 PM PST will be processed and shipped the same day and delivered by next day evening.
We dispatch all order from Florida to all USA state and Canada states.
We use USPS service to deliver packages to Military addresses and PO Box. If you want USPS service then, you receive your order 4 - 6 days.
To be eligible for our promotions, we will inform you over the email. Offers might change from time to time.
For questions please email us. We will reply to your message within 1 working hours.
Get your orders verified soon after placing it by email our customer care or you are not eligible to claim shipping delay Refund.
Immediate refund or re-shipping will be done within 24 to 48 hrs if the product gets lost or damaged.
All medicines are brand names so there will be no issues of bad quality. Still if you are not satisfied with the quality, you will get full refund back within 24 to 48 hrs after you send the bottle back to us containing minimum 90% pill in it.